5/5/2016 1 Comment Treasures and PleasuresToday launches the beginning of our Milk & Honey blog. We are really excited to start this new adventure of words. This won't be any ordinary blog; on these pages you will discover a plethora of ideas, thoughts, ramblings, and delights. Different Goddesses from Milk & Honey will share writings and knowledge so you will get to hear from many different voices and backgrounds.
On these pages you will come to learn more about Milk & Honey, different spiritual traditions, different Goddesses (both ancestral and living ones), special products highlights, spell crafting advice, Sebastopol events and trends, and so much more. Stay tuned as our blog starts to take shape and spread the Treasures and Pleasures of the Goddess across the interwebs!
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Milk & Honey 123 North Main Street Sebastopol, CA (707) 824-1155
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