7/20/2016 1 Comment Sidewalk Sale ReviewThis past weekend was the annual sidewalk sale for the Sebastopol downtown businesses on Main Street. Just like in years past there were so many fun things going on. Music, demonstrations, artist, and of course, sales.
But this event is so much more than a retail shopping experience. Can you find beautiful items on discount? Sure, but what is behind the shopping excursion is community. All day we experienced families out together, groups of women having a day out in the sunshine, people out on an adventure. Do you see the common word here? OUT! People came out of their homes, stepped away from their electronic devices, and spend time out in the world together. It was fun, it was joyful, and it was a special honor to be a part of it. Sebastopol is a small town and we, luckily, still have that small town vibe. When we do community events like the sidewalk sale, it brings community together. It's a beautiful thing.
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Milk & Honey 123 North Main Street Sebastopol, CA (707) 824-1155
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