6/21/2019 1 Comment July - Psychic PowerLooking to increase your psychic powers? There are many great way to open up that third eye an allow more of you intuition to come through. This spell is best on a Full Moon night.
Supplies: you will need many sprigs of mugwort, enough to make a garland and place the leave across your body. (Make sure that you have no allergies to this plant before you start using it!) Fresh mugwort is needed, if you decide to wild craft this plant make sure that you don't take too much and you ask the plant's permission before taking any of it. You will need be naked outside, so make sure you have privacy. If being nude outdoors isn't possible, make sure you can at least stand in front of a window where the light of the moon can shine on you. Create sacred space in whatever way you prefer - light incense, burn candles, sing, play music, take a bath, etc. When you feel ready make a garland for your head out of some of the mugwort. Stand in the light of the moon and place the mugwort garland on your head. Place the leaves on other parts of your body, in your hands, and on your face. Say this: I call upon the blessing of the full moon I call upon the blessing of this sacred plant I call upon my intuition, sight, and psychic vision Bless me with the sight Bless me with the vision Bless me with the knowing Stand in the light of the moon and feel that glow imbue you with a heightened psychic power. Let the power of the mugwort sink into your skin, offering you a blessing of intuition. When you feel ready remove the leaves, but keep the garland on. Do a reading with whatever method you prefer. Dry the garland and keep it on your altar.
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