6/22/2020 1 Comment Dragon's Blood Peaceful Home SpellThe completed spell should be hidden inside your home, where no one will find it or see it. You will need the following items:
-Dragon's Blood Resin that has been smashed into powder -Teaspoon of Salt -Teaspoon of Sugar -Small Box no bigger than a matchbox -Envelope -Purple ink pen Mix the resin, salt, sugar in a cauldron. Stir the ingredients in a clockwise motion. When you feel complete in this process, draw a pentacle over the top of the cauldron. Using the purple pen draw any signs, symbols, or sigils on the white envelope that represent protection for you. Perhaps a pentacle or the rune Algiz. Pour the powder into the box and place the box into the envelope. Before sealing the envelope whisper into the envelope what you want this magickal object to do for you. Hide it well.
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